Our CEO explains how RightSource has unique access to the best software development talent.

Sharped eye scouters, meticulous recruiters but foremost great team builders.

After many years of collective experience managing software projects of all types and sizes in Silicon Valley, we came to the conclusion that there is a pressing need for services that offer reasonable prices to the customer, while still allowing for close and frequent interaction with the people on the ground to enable integrated teams that can accomplish true agile development. This is difficult, if not impossible to accomplish when dealing with distributed models operating distantly and across many time zones. RightSource was born from the realization that there should be a better way.

We have established formal partnerships with some of the best schools, and top established firms in software, hardware, and IT services, and have access to the best talent they have. We ensure that consultants speak excellent English, have many years of hands-on experience, and in many cases have US and international work experience.

Co-location is optimal for Agile development, but it is indeed possible to establish high performing Agile teams in a distributed setting by rigorously following some key guidelines:

  • Ensure trust is built

  • Leverage methods and technology consistently

  • Appoint a single engagement lead at each site

  • Have a reasonable overlap of working hours

  • Agree on working mechanics and Communication Cadence.

You can team with RightSource we will coach your assets like if there were ours, surrounding yourself with the right team is important. Make sure you have a circle of professionals you can count on to reach your goals. We’ve put together great team advisors who can help you make sure you’re at the top of your game.

If you are interested in our services let us give you a call.