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Fullstack developer senior out of the box

BY: Ramiro Alves Pinto

Full Stack Developer.

As a developer, it’s easy to see yourself surrounded in an environment where every system looks pretty similar, similar databases structures, similar designs, and similar backend procedures doing similar things you’ve done in the past… administrative systems. Yes, administrative systems are the bread and butter of how a big number of companies handle their data, just to mention the most common ones we might find as an example user, reports, payments, logic business and internal processes.

What we started doing in RightSource has little to do with this, as a Full stack developer one of many opportunities I had was to experience what is to work with financial services, how to handle projected graphs, the core of its statistics theories and how exact this needs to be because in the current era there are two things that are essential: money and more than anything, security.

Dealing with the mentioned above branches on IT as you might guess - yes, it’s not rocket science, but - is one of the first reasons many projects, applications, and services fail and end up in lawsuits when those are done unplanned, taken lightly, and or wrongly conceived from the beginning. So, at a first glance there are two things that you might feel when facing these situations, you can be excited about how many skills you are going to add to your portfolio, or you might feel unprepared to take such responsibility and there’s no shame about it.

Talking from experience, RightSource has helped me across the time to build confidence and technical skill sets to face those scenarios, have also provided me with a healthy environment to know properly step by step how to do things properly and in a timely manner and more importantly, lifted me to become the professional I am today.